Nitric Oxide: The Missing Link?

Introduction I am always hesitant to recommend supplementation to my patients for several reasons. My primary reason is that I myself don’t prefer taking supplements EVERY SINGLE DAY. Reason #1: It gets old taking an assortment of supplements day in and day out. Reason #2: It’s expensive! I spent two years of bodybuilding in college. […]

Insurance Coverage & Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

As a doctor in private practice, I understand that managing spine pain can be physically and financially challenging. One key consideration is that insurance often does not cover 100% of medical costs, particularly for out-of-network care. However, investing in noninvasive, nonsurgical treatments can offer significant long-term benefits despite the initial out-of-pocket expenses. Non-invasive treatment options […]

Mayo Clinic & Spinal Decompression Success

The following is a hallmark spinal decompression study conducted by John Leslie, MD, and published by the Mayo Clinic. This is a prospective, multicenter, phase II, non-randomized clinical study to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of non-surgical spinal decompression for active treatment of chronic lower back pain utilizing a standardized clinical research multimodal protocol. This […]

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