- Everyone knows at least one person who has needlessly suffered from sciatica!
- This is a very specific type of pain that is likely caused from a disc that is herniated/bulging and is encroaching upon the sciatic nerve. When the sciatic nerve is pinched, it often causes pain and numbness that starts in the buttock region extending through the leg, usually ending in the foot. This is called a radiculopathy because this pain radiates along the route the sciatic nerve travels through the leg.
- Typically, a sciatica like pain only affects one side which is related to a herniated/bulging disc on that same side. There is evidence to support that upwards of 40% of the middle-aged population suffer from sciatica. Often, sciatica has a highly favorable response to conservative methods of treatment such as Upper Cervical Spinal Care and Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression.