
I’ve never felt so good in 6 years. After finding out I have Trigeminal Neuralgia I learned more about what was wrong with my body than any other doctor in 6 years. Since I was 17 i have been in massive pain, depressed, exhausted even suicidal. I felt trapped because i dint know what was that was wrong with me. Doctors could never diagnose what I had and would give me multiple medications. I had no hope . Then I found Dr Lea!! At first I thought it was just another place with no real answers but I was wrong! He was very understanding and I felt like he actually cared about my situation. He asked the right questions, made me feel welcome, did not rush me or make any bad assumptions. He carefully examined my body and did a great job explaining to me in detail why I was hurting for so long. It all made sense for the first time I felt like someone understood me. After the 1st procedure I immediately felt relieved!! I could not believe it! I felt pain free for the first time in 6 years. I felt like I got my life back. I am excited to keep going because I am positive it will get better and better because no other place has made me feel this good. This is the best experience I have had with any Doctor in my entire life. I highly recommend Dr Lea! I am not the type of person that leaves reviews but with my experience here I just had to share it!



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