Back and Neck Pain

Back and Neck Pain

One of the most prominent reasons why individuals visit the physician is lower back pain that is often caused by injury, accident, or muscle strain. There are more chronic forms of the ailment that involve structural issues like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease.

The scope of lower back pain in individuals can range from mild to heavy pains which sometimes affects the daily activities of the individual. With this ailment, the level of physical damage does not correlate with the level of pain being suffered by the patient. Sometimes, a simple strain can cause extreme pain in the lower back making it difficult for the patient to walk or stand. In another situation, a large or completely degenerated disc can be painless.

Neck pain can occur as a result of car accidents, muscle strain, arthritis, and a pinched nerve. Most times, patients who suffer from neck pain can get relief through adequate rest, massages, and the use of pain-relieving pills. However, there are chronic forms of the ailment that cause patients to suffer greatly and require proactive treatment.

Dr. Doug Stithem begins treatment of these ailments by carrying out an intensive examination that includes x-rays to pinpoint the root cause of the pain. The doctor then implements a plan to begin the long term healing process needed to get rid of the root of the problem.

Dr. Doug can restore the balance of the human body to speed up the healing process with the use of the latest spinal decompression technology. The tools and guidance provide can help patients maintain a healthy back and neck for the rest of their lives.


Three years and 3 months ago, I woke up with what I thought was a crick in my neck from sleeping the wrong way the night before. The pain worsened over time to where I could barely stand it anymore!! I couldn’t turn my neck or even bend it to either side. It was horrible!!! I saw 2 different chiropractors that just seemed to make the pain worse by jerking and popping my neck and back. I saw 2 different neurosurgeons for opinions. One of which just saw me for maybe 5 minutes the 2 times I went to see him. The 1st time I saw this doctor he told me after looking at my ex rays that I have Cervical Spinal Stenosis which there is NO cure for other than surgery!! Well surgery was out of the question for me! I AM THE ONE WHO REQUESTED PHYSICAL THERAPY to my doctor before having any thoughts of surgery. He gave me a referral for therapy. Which I did 3 times a week for 3 months with NO success. He then suggested surgery again but, again I was Not doing that!! I got a second opinion! This doctor sent me for an EMG and more X-rays! I was told again I have Cervical Spinal Stenosis along with Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Tunnel. My choices again were, I could continue doing therapy and home exercises or have surgery. Again, I was not going to have surgery and therapy didn’t work the first time around so why waste time and money? I gave up and just told myself I would just live with it. At my worst, I would wake up at night and lift my head up off the pillow with my hand just to turn over in bed or even get up out of the bed. It was so painful I could NOT lift my head without supporting it. I could not sleep at night and the pain was now going down my arms with tingling in my hands and arms going numb with Carpal Tunnel. When I did get that very rare, precious moment to close my eyes for a few minutes the burning and tingling of my arms would wake me. I couldn’t lay in bed, I had to try and sleep in a recliner so I wouldn’t be laying flat. I was searching for any answer to my problem when I stumbled across Dr. Lea with Crossroads Brain and Spine! After reading on google that they did not use any drugs for this decompression procedure I, wanted to learn more!!! I spoke with Maria in the office who is very informative and made an appointment for a free consultation! I went, I saw and I listened and learned about decompression Therapy for Cervical Spinal Stenosis and I am so HAPPY that I did!! I believe I have found someone who knows what he is doing when it comes to my Cervical Spinal Stenosis I am so grateful for Dr. Lea, Reagan and Maria at Crossroads Brain and Spine!! They are all always so pleasant, curious and funny! I promise if you are having neck or back issues Crossroads Brain and Spine is the place to check out. It doesn’t cost you to have a FREE consultation so, what can it hurt?? Going in, my pain level was at least a 12 and today after 2 1/2 months of decompression TheapyI feel like a 2 on my worst day!!! I feel wonderful!!! Thank you Crossroads you have given me back my life again.

Neck pain can be caused by a number of factors, including car accident, muscle strain, arthritis, or a “pinched” nerve. While most neck pain tends to resolve itself with rest, pain relievers and massage, some people experience significant trauma and suffer chronic pain that requires a more proactive treatment.

Dr. Doug starts with a thorough examination and x-rays to determine the root cause of your pain, then follows through with a carefully designed plan to help you start on a long term healing process. Using the latest spinal decompression technology, he can restore your body’s balance and get you on the road to recovery — with tools and guidance to maintain a healthy back and neck for life.

Schedule your No Obligation Consultation with Dr. Lea!